Tuesday, December 29, 2009

So Let it be Written

After pondering the hours of Wii time, I decided to FORCE my kids outside. . . .they are now happily shoveling the tramp.

I went to document said activity in photo format, but now I can't find the stupid camera. I thought I remember putting it somewhere 'safe.' Great. Last time I put the camera somewhere safe, it didn't show up for 4 months.

What do you do when. . . .

you notice that the spoiled, rich girl (from The Princess and the Frog movie) has a lot more in common with your 6 year-old daughter than you'd care to admit??

Is the whining by her and the caving in by us a product of her solitary role as little girl in the house? I don't know. What I do know is it is time to start laying down the law. Any suggestions?

Snow Fun

Snowing outside. . . . but do my kids want to put on their snow gear and enjoy it? Nope. They are now entering their fourth hour of video game play.

I am such a great mother.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My New Addiction

Yes, I have stolen my husband's ipod and discovered podcasts!!! Love them. Go to the iTunes store under podcasts and there are tons of free ones. My favorite are: Stuff You Missed in History Class.

Who new Harry Houdini started his prolific career as a swindler????? Now I do, and you can too.

Oh wait. . . .One other addiction: my new CHI. How did I spend so many years without this lovely hair accessory? I don't know. But since you thought my hair looked so good at church on Sunday, I thought I'd share my new secret.

P.S. A CHI is just a high-end flattening iron--nothing like that one you used in junior high. It is just 1 inch thick and heats up super fast and super hot. . . .it has made doing the back of my hair so easy and quick--I don't have to worry about the layers hanging right or my hair flipping up in weird places due to my somewhat naturally wavy hair.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Christmas Gift from Roger

Last night (for the first time since we started potty training September 29th) Roger said, "Mom, I have to go poo poo."

He then sat on the potty and did the deed. No coaxing from me.

Unsolicited bowel movement. . . ahhh, what a gift!

Monday, December 21, 2009

For your last minute gift. . . .

Introducing the TV-B-Gone: a universal remote that turns off any T.V.

Just imagine the hours of prankstering fun!

Spilling the beans

Davis has a secret: he loves the Barbie Christmas Carol movie. He's been turning it on at every moment of down time he's had. Isn't that cute? I think he might not be happy with me spilling the beans. . . . . .

Nine is Divine!

Today my sweetheart and I hit 9 years of marital bliss. Well, mostly bliss (gotta be honest with ya).

In a stroke of sheer surprise, my husband had flowers sent to the house. They came early (around 9:00 A.M.) and made me feel so loved. Eliza asked why I was crying. I told her they were happy tears.

Now some of you may say that flowers should be a given on an anniversary, but, unfortunately, my husband and I have not been great celebrators. . . partly because this close to Christmas there is usually some sort of activity(or money shortage) and partly because we aren't great celebrators.

So, cheers to you honey!!! Love you!! Thank you!! Here's to 9 more!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Question: when is the best time to go grocery shopping?

Answer: at 6:30 A.M. after your baby wakes up and won't go back to sleep.

There are workers everywhere stocking shelves if you have a question. No waiting in line. Lots of comments from shoppers on how cute your baby is. You smile and agree he is cute, but wish you both were sleeping instead.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Count Your Blessings

Today I'm grateful for a crusted toothpaste cap because it means I've got a houseful of kids that are at least TRYING to brush their teeth.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The mom of a two-year-old

No one really explains what they mean by 'terrible twos.' Then there are the hopelessly optimistic or cheerful (or just hopeless) people who say, "You know, my son/daughter never really went through that stage." I have concluded one of two things about these people: They are lying OR it has been a few years since their child was two and they can't remember anymore.

Today was a terrible two-year-old day. I asked Roger to get his shoes on so we could go to the store. Happily, he responded, "Tay."

"Would you get your shoes so I can help you put them on? They are downstairs." This request of mine was the 'terrible' trigger.

"My shoes NOT downstairs!" Screaming and yelling ensue. "Dey not downstairs! My shoes NOT downstairs."

I then tried to expain to him (this is where the term 'falling on deaf ears' must have been phrased) that we had taken his shoes off at the bottom of the stairs this morning after we dropped the twins off at school. "NO!!" was his reply. "My shoes NOT downstairs."

"Yes, they are."

"No, dey not."

"Yes, they are."

"NO, dey not."

"Roger, your shoes are downstairs," I say as I walk toward the top of the stairs. "See," I point to the stairs, "I can see them right there."

"NO," he insists, "My shoes NOT downstairs."

At this point I give up my line of reasoning and opt for the distraction. . . .
"Look down the stairs, Roger. I think your car is down there."

"My Tar?" he asks and walks toward the top of the stairs.

"Yes. Look down the stairs." He looks. I subtly add (or not so subtly, but he is two after all), "Oh, there are your shoes. I see them."

"Oh, my shoes!" He exclaims. "I get dem."

He then proceeds to walk downstairs and grab his shoes. He brings them up, hands them to me, and announces, "I found my shoes! You help me put 'em on?"

P.S. On a somewhat, though not totally, related note: Have you ever noticed that when your two-year-old is having a tantrum in the store, someone walking by often comments, "Oh, your little guy must be tired."? Given this line of reasoning, all two-year-olds should actually be in bed for at least 20 hours a day. . . . . . . they are just tired after all.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just Wondering

Is it just me, or do most recipes call for at least 2 cans of tomato sauce? If this is the case, why don't they sell a 16 oz can of sauce for LESS than two 8 oz cans?

I've got a lasagna recipe that calls for 29 oz can of tomato sauce. But you know what? A 29 oz can costs more than 4 cans for 8 oz- so I am stuck opening 4 cans instead of one just to save like 30 cents. . . .why am I thinking about this? Well, I don't really know, except that I just hate using the can opener and scraping the sides of those little cans for every bit of puree they will give me.

Manly Leotard?

Yesterday Davis's competition uniform came in. . . .the feature: a leotard. Davis was excited to try on his uniform until I called it a leo. Then he looked at me funny and questioned, "Mom, is it a leotard? Because boys don't wear leotards. Leotards are for girls."

I then did some backpedalling on my previous statement and amended my comment that it certainly was not a leotard because it had shorts attached. Whew! Disaster averted. After a quick search today, I discovered a lycra suit with shorts attached is actually called a 'biketard.' Hmmm, I'm not sure which is worse, leotard or biketard? I think I will be referring to it as his uniform from now on.

I would also like to add that he wears shorts OVER the bike/leotard, so all packages are safetly hidden. . . .just in case you were worried.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Moment (okay, half-hour) of Weakness

My brother sings like an angel. . .seriously. I could listen to him for a day and not get tired of it. Last week, I set him up to sing in Relief Society for the lesson. Although I had to stay home with strep, I heard it was wonderful.

The R.S. President brought by some Lindt chocolates for me to give to him as a thank you. . . . but, they were calling out my name yesterday. I caved. I opened the bag. I ate one. Then another. Then another. Until. YIKES! The whole bag is gone. And I was wondering why my pants are all still too tight.

UPDATE (TUESDAY): I just got a replacement bag of chocolates at the store today. I put them in the top of my closet so they don't tempt me.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The night-light elf

Last night as I was tucking Eliza in for bed she announced, "Mom, I have a problem. This is not my night light." I looked and, sure enough, her traditional blue light was replaced by the red one from the boys' room. I found her light neatly placed in the socket of the boys' room.

This is about the third or fourth time the lights have mysteriously been switched. After some sleuthing by Dad, he has determined that the switch is taking place during the day by my toddler. I can't help but laugh at Roger sneaking around bedrooms sometime during the day when no one is watching and switching out the lights. Who knows why he does what he does? Gotta love the two-year-old psyche.

D has encouraged me to talk with Rogie about this behavior because he is afraid a shocking incident is bound to happen . . . . so now instead of having an elf sneak around and keep tabs on the kids, I have to sneak around watching my little 'elf' for night-light thievery.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

You know you've got a bad case of strep throat when:

You put up with a 'spit bowl' next to your bed because every time you swallow it feels like you are swallowing glass. A spit bowl is the only relief.

Gross, I know. Here's hoping those antibiotics kick in real soon. . . . . .

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Can't get this out of my head: I was switching channels for Roger today (he loves Super Why!- I love it because I can take my shower), and came across this unbelievable exchange on MSNBC.

The commentators were discussing Tiger Woods and his infidelity. One man had this to say (paraphrased since I didn't record it or anything): The problem (infidelity) isn't with unfaithful men, the problem is with society. Instead of condemning cheating, we should expect such behavior from the rich and famous. It is normal. It has happened since the dawn of time, men just get caught now because of voicemails, emails, and video recorders. President Kennedy was a raging philanderer as was FDR, this didn't at all impact their effectiveness as Presidents. We need to redifine marriage and look at it more like an adjustable rate mortgage. When you get married you should commit to a five or seven year term, if at the end of the term, you decide to extend the marriage that is fine. This man felt that asking a person to be faithful his entire life was ridiculous and unreal.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I am so mad at MSNBC for giving a stage to this man to spout such crap. I feel strongly that marriage is under attack- this just proves it. Marriage is more than a couple professing they love each other at one moment in time. Marriage is about commitment. Marriage is a divine institution that has been on earth since the beginning of man. Marriage should be the strongest vow and covenant that two people ever take on this earth. Marriage is about raising healthy children. This man's view of marriage was selfishness. Marriage is the opposite of selfishness- it is about selflessness.

For all the poopheads out there who are spewing this dirt, I would like them to know that there are couples who have aged many years in marriage. If you ask them if it was easy, they would say it was not. If you ask them if there were times they were tempted to stray, they would probably say there was. But they resisted these feelings and worked very hard to keep their marriage strong. They know far better than anyone who gave in to temptation how hard it is to resist. THEY RESISTED TO THE BITTER END. They are the strong ones. They have strength of character. They didn't give in at the first moment of weakness. These are the people we should look up to.

Women, don't believe this garbage. If you do, don't get married. Don't let these wicked men taint your view of what marriage is. Men, don't believe this garbage. If you do, don't get married.

People in marriages, stay strong!! Fight against those urges. Fight, fight, fight! You can do it. Only Satan, the father of all lies, will try to tempt into believing it isn't worth the fight. Work for your marriage. It will be the hardest thing you ever do. Don't be selfish. Before you get married, make sure you are on the same page as your partner. Make a gameplan. Be honest with each other.

As for you dork on MSNBC with your good looks and loud mouth, someday this will be your undoing. You are looking for happiness. This won't bring you happiness. When all is said and done, people with these views will be sitting in nursing homes with no visitors, no family, and no one who loves them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Embarrassing Moment

Last night at dinner, Eliza got quiet and I could tell something was bothering her. She let me know that she had 'tooted' at school and everyone laughed at her. Then she broke down in a crying tizzy. . . . what do you say? Everyone toots, you know.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stinkin' Scientists!

Yep, I was totally bugged this week when I read that hundreds of emails were leaked from leading climatologists which amount to them covering up and 'massaging' data to hide declines in global temperatures.

As a former scientist (I say former because mostly what I do now is change diapers, drive carpools, and engage in craft projects-gotta love it), I was EXTREMELY BOTHERED BY THIS. . . . . a scientist lives and dies by the data. Scientists know that data is often confusing and misleading, at times it is hard to know exactly how to interpret a set of numbers and account for many variables: but these guys are the leading researchers on global climate change. Their work was published in NATURE (this is like the coolest/most prestigious journal that every scientist dreams of publishing in)!!! I don't care if their systems were hacked (this is not the story), these men are scientists! Their work should have NO AGENDA attached- the data is the data. A scientist uses data to tell a story, not massage data to prove their story.

Now, I love the earth just as much as the next guy. I love camping. I love hiking. I even love polar bears(totally the best part of San Diego Zoo). I even recycle, for heavens sake!! But reading about this fraud made me really curious about global warming in general, and the political implications (cap and trade bills) in particular.

I will try not to bore you, but my reading has lead me to believe that man-made global warming isn't as simple as some passionate environmentalists (former vice-president, oscar, and nobel laureate) would have us believe.

I found this amusing YouTube video from John Stossel on 20/20 (love that guy). The video pretty much sums things up. I also learned that for 'An Inconvenient Truth' to be shown in schools now, teachers must point out 11 inaccuracies of the film to students. In other words, 'An Inconvenient Truth' is inconveniently wrong in some places.

As for Cap and Trade, I was admittedly LOST about the bill. I found an article that is pretty succinct, but as a disclaimer, it was written by a Republican congressman from California (thus definitely skewed against Cap and Trade).

And because I can't resist one more video: