Sunday, January 27, 2008

my little tribute to President Hinckley

I got my patriarchal blessing just after I turned 14. In this blessing I was promised that over time, and if nurtured, my testimony would include the knowledge that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that his true church is led by a living prophet.

It was about a year after my blessing that President Hinckley was called to serve as the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remember so vividly going to seminary a day after his call and watching a movie which highlighted President Hinckley's life. It was during this video that a warm and gentle feeling from the Holy Ghost witnessed to me that Gordon B. Hinckley was indeed a prophet called by God. At this moment I knew that I had received one of the assurances that my patriarchal blessing had promised.

I have had other experiences that have witnessed to me of President Hinckley's divine call. This church is the same one that Jesus Christ organized so many years ago. I am so grateful for this knowledge, and I thank my Heavenly Father for sending such a great, but humble man to earth to help teach and inspire me. I hope someday I live a worthy enough life to get to know him as a man, as well as a prophet. I will miss President Hinckley, but I am thrilled to know that the next prophet of this church will also be chosen by our Heavenly Father.

If you have any questions about the LDS church or any of President Hinckley's teachings, please visit: OR send me an email-I'd be happy to converse one on one!


Melissa said...

Thanks Camilla.

Mindy Burns said...

Hey Camilla, what's up? I noticed your blog on Sarah's (Hilbig) and can't believe you have the time to do all the things you're doing PLUS have a blog! You're amazing! Hope all is well. Tell D and your cutie kids "hi" from the Burns'.

Love, Mindy

Unknown said...

this is an amazing post. thanks for it. :)