Friday, February 1, 2008

the text pager-- a great invention

This week has been pretty busy, and D and I really haven't talked much. We were happy to visit the temple together last night (and by together, I mean we met in the chapel beforehand and talked to each other via cell phones on the way home). When we got home we still had a lot to say. Actually, D had A LOT of stories to share, and I told him that Roger pooped 3 times. We call these gossipy nights 'sleepover nights' because we feel like we are 13-year-old girls who are so excited to be together they don't want to go to sleep. Inevitably, we both pay for these late nights the day after. Unfortunately D is on call tonight and will be getting even less sleep tonight!

I soooo love the fact that my husband is chatty. I feel like I know the people he works with and the things that are going on at the hospital. I was reflecting about this today and text-paged D to tell him thank you for the chatties. While i zipped to the computer and drafted a quick message, I also realized text-pagers are cool! I love being able to send a message to my husband and know that he'll get it even if he is in the middle of something else. I am so glad to be living in the information age. It would have totally stunk to be a pioneer who had to walk a mile out in the fields to tell her husband that the baby just took his first steps.

That is all I have to say tonight. I am now going to watch the news. D told me he worked on some stabbing victims today-- I am sure that story will pop up.

1 comment:

Karlea said...

Isn't technology wonderful. Look we can keep up with our husbands and each other! Oh...the post on my blog...createnine level!!! Means my kidney's working FABULOUSLY 16.5 years later!!!! Kidney transplants...another technelogical miracle!!!