Sunday, August 28, 2011

My favorite scripture story, by Davis

Tonight I was reading the story of Alma and Amulek teaching the people in the city of Ammonihah.  I read about how these men were bound in prison for teaching the people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and calling them to repentance.  After being withheld food, water, clothing, and dignity, Alma and Amulek were able to break free from their cords and the walls of the prison fell down, destroying the people who had persecuted them.

My comment after the chapter was, "Davis, wasn't that a cool story?"

"Yeah.  But it isn't my favorite scripture story."

"Oh really?  What is your favorite scripture story?"

"David and Goliath,"  Davis replied.

"Why?"  I asked.

"Because. . . . . It has more violent killing.  And a battle."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A First, by D

D, "I had a first last night.  I treated a man with achrondroplasia."

D's attending, "Huh?"

D, "He is a midget."


And a bonus quote:

D's patient, "What is this?  1% lidocaine and 99% fire?  AHHHHHHHH!!!!  That stings!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A tribute

I've eaten many plates of cookies from neighbors who brought them over to say, "Thanks, D, for helping us out."  He put in stitches for their kids.  He looked in their ears.  He sent them to the ER because he knew they just needed someone to tell them it was time.

I've laughed so hard my belly hurt after one of his jokes.

I've been blessed with a Honey Baked Ham bestowed to us by a neighbor who was overcome with thanks for an angel who shovelled his driveway after a major winter storm.

I have slept in many Saturday mornings and was awakened by the smell of breakfast and happy, twittering children's voices in the kitchen.  The only words I understood were, "Dad. . . . . .Dad. . . . .Dad. . . .Dad."

I've eaten out at several restaurants with a gift card from someone who my husband's life touched.

I've gone into the laundry room to start a load and found the washing machine had already been started.

I've read cards from patients who were blessed by D's time and expertise. 

I've had nurses stop me and tell me how much they loved and respected my husband.

It is easy to complain he is gone.  Gone all day.  Gone at night.  Sleeping whenever he sits down.  But, really, what right do I have to complain when I've been so blessed?  May I always look for the good in life. . . . it is so apparent if I only open my eyes.

Business First

I grabbed Reed out of his crib this morning with our dog, Izzy, following behind.  As soon as Reed's feet hit the floor, he started yelling, "Her bid-ness, her bid-ness, her bid-ness, (her business)" as he toddled over to the back door.  He opened the door, and said, "Hereyago, Izzy."  Izzy obediently walked out the door and turned around to look back at him.  Then he coaxed her, "Go poo, Izzy.  Go poo."  He shut the door, turned around,  looked at me and said, "Izzy. Her bid-ness."  I told him good job and didn't mention that I had already let her out first thing.

Next stop.  Teaching Reed how to do his bid-ness in the toilet.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A SHOCKING revelation

Don't let that sweet, innocent face fool you:  the Tooth Fairy isn't all she is cracked up to be.  I just caught her raiding Roger's money bin to pay for Davis and Eliza's teeth (they both lost one within a day of each other).

She gave me this sob story about how she didn't have time to go to the bank today and release funds. The Tooth Fairy thought Roger would not notice any money missing as he had stolen most of it from his mother's purse anyway! I told her this was no way to represent magical creatures, and she should have been more prepared. I gave her a swift spanking and made her promise to never let it happen again.

Can you believe that!!  The TOOTH FAIRY-- stealing money from one child to pay another!!  What has this world come to??