Tuesday, December 21, 2010

(insert applause here)

Today marks my 'Decade with D'!

Love you, babe.  Here's to another decade.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


While we were out on Friday night, my neice, Avenly, who was babysitting had this to report:

She asked the kids if they wanted to stay up a little later than normal, and Davis paused to reflect.  Then he announced, "We are going to get coal in our stockings."

It took Avenly a minute to convince him that staying up a late didn't constitute a coal-worthy offense.

We've really got these kids trained don't we?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It'll all come out in the wash

During college, D had a great group of roomates.  They tried to loosen him up a bit by drinking his milk and borrowing his detergent.  "It'll all come out in the wash," they cajoled.  When we were first married, I repeated this phrase to loosen D up, and somehow, it has stuck with our family:
"Mom, Davis got more Pringles than I did. . . . " 
"Don't worry, it'll all come out in the wash."  "

"Why did Roger get a treat and we didn't?"
"You got a treat when you were his age. . . .It all comes out in the wash."

This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find something that, quite literally, had come out in the wash.  I've been missing my credit card for a few days, and was about to report it lost, when I went down to the laundry room and saw it peeping back at me from the window.  As a bonus, I even found 2 dollars at the bottom of the bin.   I love it when my sayings come true.  Now I can tell the kids with complete confidence that it will, indeed, come out in the wash.