Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hoorah for my little girl!

Most days when I drop my kids off at school, I remind them, "Remember who you stand for."  I encourage them to be kind to the other kids at school and give their teacher respect.  As I watch them walk (or generally run, since we are late) into school, I hope the good part of their personalities will come out.  I say, 'I hope' because I witness the teasing and sarcasm they exhibit at home.

This morning I had a delightful surprise when I opened up Liza's backpack to clean it out and found this note from a girl at school:

"Dear Eliza, Thank you for helping me when I got hert. You are so nice. And Caring. And pretty. Love, Rachel."

Can you say Proud Mommy Moment!! Made my day. Way to go sweetheart!!


Heather said...

that is so sweet!!!! i get e.mails from cayden's teacher & it says please have your child be more respectful during circle time!!!! ;) i will keep on trying though!

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

Thats one of those "frame it" moments... to save in a scrapbook or on the fridge - not for her, for you! I love when I hear they are doing kind things to others at school. It gives me hope that I must be doing ok.

Becky said...

How sweet! And Rachel's mom should be proud of her, too, for writing such a nice note!