Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An "Ahhhhhh!" Mom-moment

Gee, it's really beautiful today! One of those early spring days that you've been waiting so long to arrive that you are actually excited to go outside and work in the yard. 

As we were outside I set Reed on the tramp surrounded by blocks and other baby-treasures.  It was black and a little bit warmer than the dry ground, so I thought it was an okay bet.  And he was fine and dandy for quite some time, UNTIL Roger came hauling across the yard and launched himself on the tramp.  He then exlaimed, "Mommy, Reed do a backfwip!" and started laughing with glee.  I turned around and found my poor little baby on his back in the process of doing one of those huge intake breaths before a big scream.

This is why the American Academy of Pediatrics highly recomends the safety of an at-home tramp (can you hear me drooling with sarcasm).

Prognosis of the 8-month old: He's fine, thank goodness.  I, however, am rethinking the wisdom of last year's purchase. . . . .


Heather said...

have i just told you that i love your writing... :)

missliss5/Melissa said...

Groan....we just ordered one. Danger, danger here we come.

Stephanie said...

Ha,ha. Yep, you might want to reserve the tramp for those who can walk. :) I'm glad he's fine, but just relish the fact that he's one of a very elite group of infants who can claim to have done a backflip.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Ahh, trampolines. A Brandon and Lilian combination on our tramp last spring resulted in a broken leg for Lilian and 4 weeks of a bright pink cast. But in the 8 years of being trampoline owners, that's the only accident we've had. I'm so glad Reed is okay!
And yay you for doing yardwork! I haven't got there yet. I've been taking advantage of the warm weather by going on bike rides. Which is great and all...but means my yard still needs A LOT of work...

Annie said...

Hi, I'm stopping from Multiples and More. You have a beautiful family.

I'm going to read more about you and your family.