Monday, March 22, 2010

I've got brothers

Yesterday I was told that during church, the nursery workers had a little lesson about families.  After the leaders posed the question if the children had brothers and sisters, Roger was happy to share some information about his family, "I have Supah-Mario Bwothers."


Liz said...

That's awesome!!! We played Wii for FHE tonight...Jeff's idea. He even taught a lesson about the Holy Ghost while we played! I guess we can use our Wii friends and bwothers for something good! :)

Kerri said...

I love it!

Sarah said...

Saw your post at multiples and more... just read through your last few posts... I love it and can SO identify! Hope you're having a great week :)

Becky said...

How cute! And I totally relate. Right now with James, it's all Mario all the time. His video game time is limited, but Mario (specifically Mario Kart) has moved into every aspect of his life: building, humming, drawing, writing,'s all about Mario! I can't believe something has trumped Star Wars! (Which he still loves, even though it's taken a back seat for now.)