Monday, May 2, 2011

How a four-year-old thinks

Mom, "Roger, your shirt is backwards, you need to turn it around."

Roger, "No, I don't."

Mom, "Yes, you do.  You should wear your shirt the right way."

Roger, "I don't want to turn it around."

Mom, "But you need to.  It looks silly like that."

Roger, "Hey. . . . . . You should stop making fun of others."

Mom, "I'm not making fun of you.  I am being a mom.  Mom's tell their boys when their shirts are backward."

Roger, "I want to wear it like this."

End of discussion.

1 comment:

Karlea said...

lol...4-year old boys are a challenge. Mine wears his underwear backwards (if you can imagine). We've had similar conversations many times...but not anymore. He still wears his underwear backwards. want a perma-wedgie my guest! Miss you!