Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seriously, boy!

I spent an hour in the twins' classroom today.  I was seriously disappointed to see that my son had scribbled the following notes on the cover of his literacy notebook: "stinky," "poop in your pants," and "butt." When the folders came out all the kids in his group read those words (and his partner in crime had the word 'underwear')  and were totally distracted.  Way to go, buddy.  So proud.

At this point two things are floating around in my head.  #1: The literacy center is the one that other moms help at, so they have also witnessed my son's potty-talk spilling over into his work #2: at least he spelled everything correctly.

I think I'll focus on #2.  Then I won't have to worry about what all the other moms are imagining goes on at the Millar house.
On the bright side, how can you hold a grudge against this face?

(Have I mentioned he is trying to start a new fashion trend at school--leave your hood on at all times)


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Boys...what can you do. I hear stories from Julianne about things Brandon and his friends say on the bus. Sigh.

Kerri said...

Davis has changed so much already! I can't stand it!

And I DID love your wall graffiti. :)

Mary said...

Oh yes! That sounds like my house. See, the problem is that I allow them to read "Captain Underpants." It gets them reading, but oh the words that come out of their mouths. Maybe I should just have them stop reading altogether! :-)

Heather said...

oh my heck our boys are way too much alike....


Mindy Burns said...

Love it! #30 why hasn't the teacher noticed and let you know? That either means it's not that big of a deal, which it's not, or she's completely oblivious and not paying attention :)

Helen said...

D Jr. I swear!!! LOL

Kristin and Brandon Park said...

HILARIOUS!!!! I had to read it to Brandon and he laughed too!

Timani said...

Has he been exposed to the Captain Underpants series?

Those books cracked me up when reading them to my young boys, but they learned lots of potty talk.

Davis has a cute face!

Five-six years old is one of my favorite ages, they are hysterical.

Carrie said...

Seriously funny stuff. I love this kid already!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you were able to use the button tutorial! Your button is super cute!

Pop back by anytime!

My Voice Marshfield said...

Glad to know my boy is normal too. His 1st grade teacher last year would read the class a whole book about a farting dog when they went too crazy over stuff like that--trying to normalize it. I guess i'm just glad he's potty trained.
: )