Thursday, January 7, 2010

Video-game Confession

I, the mother who rolls her eyes and spouts sayings like, 'Too much video-game time will turn your brain to mush,' must confess I played Super Mario Brothers Wii for 2 hours this afternoon while my little boys napped. It was deliciously fun and addictive, but I can't get past world 2-1.

I have a stack of laundry to be folded and my bed's not even made today.


Marti said...

Ah, yes. Tone and I have stayed up late this week playing Super Mario Wii...SO FUN!

**and my bed is NEVER made!:-P

Kerri said...

I love it, Camilla. You crack me up.

Becky said...

We have that game, too. But I've only played it for a few minutes, and WITH my kids! However, Jeromy and I played Wii Sports and Wii Play together one night after the kids went to bed. (We just got our Wii for Christmas. We're a little behind the times.)

Melissa said...

Get a job!!!