Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's all how you look at it, I guess

Last night I was minding my own business (aka my eyes were glued to the T.V.) when D brought the child brigade downstairs with cups full of ice cream.  This wasn't just your ordinary vanilla, it was the brightly colored 'playdough' ice cream left over from the twins' birthday party.  I raised my eyebrows at this, but figured if my husband was taking care of the kids, I should shut my mouth about breaking the food rules, and just be grateful.

Unfortunately, just minutes later, Roger spilled this bright blue ice cream.  D jumped up and got a towel, but the damage was done.  There was a blue stain that could not be coaxed out of the carpet.

D's reaction, "Well, I guess this is why it was a good idea to get dark carpet so it hides stains better."

My reply, "Or I guess it is a good rule to keep the food upstairs in the kitchen."


I could have just rolled my eyes and said, "Men."


Becky said...

That's interesting logic on D's part! I'll say it for you..."Men."

Nichole said...

hahaha! It's so hard when we have to teach our men manners and rules for life eh? hahaha I can so see Ned & I in your story~

Timani said...

Borrow a carpet cleaner. I'm tempted to agree "men" except I'm the one who breaks the food rules.

The Neads said...

It's a dad's forte to break "mom's" rules. It makes us "cool". That way kids are always excited to see dad, but when tragedy really strikes we know who they all run to.


Great post.