Sunday, July 11, 2010

I interrupt this regularly scheduled program

. . . .to tell you about two things this week:

I gobbled up (and by that I mean I inhaled) these books:
The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (SO GOOD)

On the way home from church today, Davis asked, "Dad, did you see me making buggy eyes during my talk?"

"No," he said, "I thought your eyes looked normal."

"While I was talking about Jesus (he had a primary talk today), I just felt some tears coming to my eyes so I had to open them up really wide so no one would see the water."

"Oh, Davis, do you know why you felt like crying?"

"No," he answered.

"It was the Holy Ghost giving you a warm feeling about Jesus as you read those stories about him."

"Cool.  But why did the Holy Ghost make me cry?"

"Well, it was happy tears."

I told him later that when I feel the Holy Ghost I also feel like crying.


Sharon said...

Just read both books myself during the past week. Didn't sleep or do much of anything else until I was done. :) Can't wait for the third!

ChristopheRobyn said...

I just finished Catching Fire--couldn't put it down and now I am anxiously awaiting the 3rd book to come out. I tried explaining the plot to Chris. He just said it sounded really messed up. If only he'd read it he'd see why it's so good...

Melissa@thebblog said...

Me too! I loved those books (can't wait for installation #3) and I cry all the time too when I'm "happy" :)

Michelle Glauser said...

I'm taking a small break from inhaling the second book in order to write you this comment. :)

Jandee said...

how sweet, we miss Davis and Eliza. Hey did you know Kelli Hall just moved near you. Jacob is the same age as your twins. (you probably already knew that). hope all is well.

Ryan and Kim said...

I thought Davis did a GREAT job on his talk. You have some sweet kids and I am happy to be their teacher!

Natalie said...

1. Love those books. 2. I love that Davis called them buggy eyes. Cute. Good teaching moment.

Kearl said...

Noah will now ask me at church, "Mom, is she crying because she's happy or because she's sad."

Elise said...

Love the book and the story : D