Friday, July 30, 2010

I now pause for a minute of silence

Admittedly, my blow dryer has a bit of a temperament.  He's not that old, so really, I think he's just a bad apple.  I heard some of his siblings also have fallen off the deep end, so I blame his bouts of red-hot temperament on bad parenting.  Really, by the time he came into my hands, there was nothing that could be done to save him.

Today, in a bout of fury, he overheated and burned a large chunk of my hair off in his wake.  I thought I smelled something suspicious, and then, POW! the hair fell blamelessly and unceremoniously to the ground.  I am left a woman in mourning with a stripe of 2 inch hair near the crown of my head.

One thing's for sure, that blow dryer has blown his last day.

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