Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tender mercies (?)

I was alarmed out of bed this morning by a phone call at 5:34.  Never fear.  It was not a telemarketer.  It was not a family emergency.  Unfortunately it was the call telling me I had slept in: our YW Presidency had planned a temple trip for 6:00 A.M. and I hadn't set the alarm clock properly. I stumbled out of bed and tried to get ready in a jiffy, but quickly realized I needed to send the ladies on or they would miss the session.  I told them I would do initiatories and meet them in the lobby.

But when God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window (At least that's what Mother Abess says.  And yes, I frequently glean wisdom from musicals produced in the 60's).

I called D to let him know that he didn't need to rush home-- I had missed my ride and my session (he was on call the night before and was off at 6:00).   When D got into the house, he said, "I am really sorry that you are so bummed, but your bad morning is my tender mercy."

"What?" I asked incredulously.

"I said a lot of prayers last night that I would be able to figure out Eliza's hair for her gym workout this morning.  I was really scared I wouldn't be able to do a pony tail to her liking.  Now that you won't be gone, you can do it before you leave."

With that, we woke Eliza up at 6:40 just so mom could do her hair.

Tender mercy?  You decide.

1 comment:

Heather said...

o.k. i [[heart]] your stories!!

love you lots!