Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Loving You, Grandma Adele

My dear Grandma Dell passed away yesterday morning in the early hours.  Her name is really Adele, but I guess with children around, she just became GrandmaDell (one word). She had cancer and has been very weak for a few months. 

I will always remember how she called me "Milly, dear." I will remember her bright, shining face when she complimented me after a play or concert.  I will remember climbing the trees in her yard and admiring the flowers and painted decorations of plenty at her home.  In particular, I remember marveling at a twirling music box made of color-changing lights that looked like a tree (isn't it funny what we associate with our Grandparents?).  I will remember touring her beautiful garden (only now do I really recognize how magnificent it was).  I will remember eating her canned goods and the scratchy handwriting on the top of the jar that signified her work-- I will especially remember how my Dad cherished her culinary handiwork. I will remember her plentiful kisses on my cheek.

I fondly recall trips to her summer home, 'Twice Glad.'  She took us to the bumper boats, she took us to the playground down the road in her frilly pink golf cart, and we played hours of "Trouble" in between exploring the 'forest' near her house.

I am so grateful for the sacrifices she made as she raised 6 children- one of whom was my Dad.  Because of her service, I was blessed to learn from him as my father.  He was a great influence to me, particularly about how hard work is the only way to get things done right.  I know that those seeds were planted under her tutelage and love.

I love you Grandma.  I hope to reunite with you soon (not too soon for my kids sake, of course).


Kerri said...

I'm so so sorry, Camilla. It's so hard to lose people we love. I hope you find peace and even some joy with your family this week.

Christina said...

Camilla, I'm so sorry. Thinking of you. . .

Melissa said...

She was beautiful. I see a resemblence. Didn't they have the coolest haristyles?

So sorry.