Friday, July 31, 2009

Addendum: Cash for Clunkers:

And here is Glenn Beck's take on the whole program:

You think about the path of the money here, okay? Just follow the money. Have you ever heard that, follow the money? Follow the path of the money here. They take $4500 of your tax dollars. Then they give it to some other citizen who takes their car that is running fine and then they give that $4500 back to the car company that is probably already owned by the government anyway and then the politicians get to stand up and say, hey, guess what, we saved the auto industry, sales are up 9 billion percent. They are taking money from the taxpayer, giving it to the government, then moving it to other people to give to the government again. It's the circle of government. It's weird how these things always end at the government, isn't it? They always it's just so weird. Imagine that there was a struggling McDonald's franchise. You go out and buy it. Then you announce a new McDonald's program at your franchise, all Big Macs are just a quarter. Then you go out and borrow the money to cover the difference between the quarter and the regular price and you put that in the cash register after every sale. Then you gather the employees and tell them your program was so successful, sales are up 200%. Oh, yeah, and by the way, we're out of business. That's what they're doing!


Loralee and the gang... said...

idiots! The whole bunch of them. I hope that everyone who voted for Obama (and his Demo and R.I.N.O. supporters in the House and Senate) is REALLy proud of themselves!

Becky said...

Yep, it's ridiculous!