Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The complexities of girlhood

Somewhere between getting dressed on her own, having a total freak-out meltdown because the jeans she wanted to wear were wrinkled, playing peek-a-boo with Reed, and yelling at me because her pigtails were too tight, Eliza made my bed this morning.

Seriously, the crazy mood swings really start young.

Or she is learning the art of mixing up just enough sweet to temper the sassy.

Or maybe, it is just the OCDeedles gene kicking in.


Heather said...

i love it! i truly think our girls our twins. i'm just sayin. you just described marlee in one short paragraph! :) i don't get the jean thing do you????!??!? :)

Mindy Burns said...

Oh Camilla....and so it begins....Girls are HARD!!!!!! I'll take my twin boys any day lately! I'd like to say it gets better, but so far, no luck with that here! It's just getting worse!!! Remember that poem "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she was horrid.." That is Cora's theme song :)

Becky said...

I swear, those girl hormones kick in WAY before puberty!