Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Home Depot: Bringing People Together

Our toilet is leaking, just a dribble.  For awhile every time we saw the wet tile, we would blame Davis.  "Davis! When will you learn to aim?"  To his credit, and our parently-disgrace, he promised us again and again and again that the water on the floor WASN'T from him.  Aren't you glad we place so much trust in the bathroom-habits of a 6 year-old?  I know, you can hardly blame us.  The wet-floor problem disappeared after we placed a cup near the back of the loo.

Today, D decided it was the day to tackle the problem.  After a bit of tinkering, he discovered the offender was a leaky seal between the tank and the bowl.  The decision: a trip to the "depot." (pronounced: dee-pot )  For those of you in the know, this is either the gangsta-slang or white trash version of The Home Depot.

Now, to its credit, this place is the man-version of Target. Whenever the male species steps into the store, he spends too much time browsing the aisles only to discover something he must buy, even though he never knew he needed it.  A hatchet.  Double-sided tape.  A pair of hooks for the garage. . . .You know what I am talking about.

During a home renovation projection, this store is also referred by many as "our second home." And, why is it that no matter how many times you make a trip to the dee-pot, you always end up going back one more time?  Every time you start a new project, you VOW you will get everything you need and extra in just one trip.  Sadly, you end up going back for a follow up almost every time, and it is usually for something stupid like a smaller size screw.

On the plus side, almost every time you visit the store you end up chatting with someone while you are waiting your turn to harrass the friendly workers with your incessant questions.  Yep, this store brings together all walks of life with a leaking toilet.  It doesn't matter if you are from the East side or the West side, you can bond over a cracked sprinkler head that supposedly only needed one part-- 2 trips ago.

So, yep, D made two trips today.  He is putting things back together now and we are hoping that his second trip provided the proper valve he needed to stop the leaking. . . . .if not, it is comforting to know the dee-pot won't close for another 45 minutes.  How kind of them to think of us do-it-yourselfers when deciding upon store hours.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

SO TRUE! :) Seriously, though...despite the fact that I am a woman, I find myself getting excited about trips to the depot. I even have my very own Home Depot credit card. Our account is not in Bryan's name...nope, it's in mine. And yes, it almost always takes two trips. No matter what we do.

ChristopheRobyn said...

Camilla--you seriously make me smile every time I read your blog. This one cracks me up.

Timani said...

So glad one opened up a couple years ago just 2 miles from us. Sure beats repeated trips to SLC. The HD on 2100 S 300 W USED to be open 24 hrs. If I was in SLC late I would spend hours roaming the aisles just because I was finally out of the house w/o kids. I'd look at every paint color.

Melissa said...

Yep, I DO know what you're talking about.

I love that we live 1 mile from Home Depot.

I'm dreading flower/gardening season when Home Dee-pot turns into a money pit.