Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Home call for the G.I. service

D is fielding calls from the G.I. service tonight.  I just listened to him give a woman a 10-minute pep talk about finishing her prep for her colonoscopy.  She threw up half of the liquid and is worried that the poop is not on its way out.  He asked about the color of her stool. The consistency.  He then advised her to run to the store for some magnesium citrate or Miralax to help things along their way. . . .it would be worth it, he advised her, so she wouldn't get half-way through the procedure and experience "blockage" that would leave the docs unable to view the colon walls. He advised her to finish up the prep at least 2 hours before she drove because it could, "hit her like a ton of bricks."

I am not doing the conversation justice.  It was funny. Who knew giving yourself diarrhea could be so difficult, yet so desirable?


Becky said...

When I first read "G.I. service," I thought it had something to do with the military. You know, like G.I. Joe? And I should know better! I'm sure Jeromy wouldn't have thought of soldiers when he read that title! I guess he's not rubbing off on me enough, medically anyway.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

When Bryan is doing customer service/consulting over the phone it's about computers and therefore nowhere near as funny! :)

Heather said...

you make me laugh! love ya :)

Ryan and Kim said...

Sounds like a normal day at my work! I wonder if he is working with any of our doctors.