Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sadly, I must confess my near 17-month-old has four words: "MAAAAAAAAH" (sometimes "MAAAAHMAAAAAAH"= mom (always yelled loudly), "Uh-oh" = uh-oh, means he dropped food off of the high chair, and "Eeee?"= please, and, sometimes "Dad"= dad.

For those of you who are unaware, this means he's behind. Most kids have about 5 words by their first birthday and they add 2-5 words every month after that. Thankfully, Roger is the third so I won't be freaking out too much. The twins were late also (especially Davis), and now they talk too much. My hypothesis is he is leaking brain cells with his rapid hair growth, which requires a hair cut every two weeks!

On the plus side, here are signs that Roger is not dumb (this list is for posterity since I am a horrible journal keeper):

1) When I say, "Rogie, it's time to go night-night," he high-tails it out of the room.

2) He spots airplanes and helicopters in the sky that I don't even see and responds with a point and a scream.

3) His favorite book is "Things that Go," a delighfully boring book which has a picture of every sort of machine imaginable and a little blurb about the boat, train, truck, or excavator. I've started leaving the book in bed with Roger and last night I caught him singing to himself, "WOO WOO WOO WOO." (like a police siren)

4) Yesterday I caught him peeking under the couches. When he looked under the love seat he started yelling, "MAAA MAAA" and ran over to grab my skirt. He then pulled and pointed me back to the couch, knelt down, and pointed to a binky out of reach.

5) He can roar like a bear, make fish lips, and point out a particular animal out of several pictures when you ask him, "Where is the dog, cat, horse, etc?"

6) When he is running toward the street, I yell, "Roger, turn around and come back here. We do not play in the road." He complies (for now).

7) Whenever I open the oven he makes a little tisking noise with his mouth. (meaning it is 'hot'). When I gave him pizza tonight, he grabbed it, dropped it, and made that noise (I didn't think it was too hot, but I guess he did).

8) He threw a ball behind us and 2 pews back in church. There were several laughs.

9) He likes to 'jump'. Usually his jumps are just accentuated squats, but every now and again he'll catch air.

10) He will usually give kisses, hugs, and loves (head bonk) on command.



Heather said...

Don't feel bad i think your little one will say more than my little one at 17 months... the 3rd gets a little spoiled right??? :)
See ya on monday!!!! :)

Kearl said...

I think all second (yours is kind of like the second) children take longer than the first if the first is really talkative. I have a journal of Noah and I wrote down all of the words that he could say at 16 months- 26 words. Luke- 2 words, maybe 3. But now, the last month, he has absolutely exploded and is getting to be quite the talker. I think second kids can't get a word in if they wanted to because big brother/sis talks so much. Also, I think their speech is less clear and correct because they learn speech from their sibling and not just from you.

Michael n' Brooke Sanderson said...

He doesn't need to speak he gets whatever he wants because he is soooo dang cute. I would maybe at his 18 month check up have the Dr. test his hearing. That's when we learned about Connor's problem.

Nichole said...


Sarah Palfreyman said...

I am not worried at all about Roger. I can't wait to meet him in person. I'll be calling you once I figure out what my schedule is.

Mindy :) said...

I LOVE that picture!!!!

my brother's second, isn't a talker either - he is turing 2 on Thurs. and is now starting to really have things to say - Roger will do great, too!