Friday, September 19, 2008


Vice-presidential nominee Jode Biden was quoted as saying that . . .paying higher taxes is a patriotic thing for wealthier Americans to do.

Last time I read about the founding of America, I remember reading a little part about a big tea party in Boston Harbor. . . . .I think the colonials were frustrated because they were being taxed too much? Let's get back to the ideals of our forefathers and stop thinking that big government is the answer for America. On the contrary, responsiblity and oversight--not a new government program for every ail in America-- is the answer to making America stronger and, ultimately, that is what will make us proud (patriotic) to be Americans


Heather said...

I have missed you & missed reading your posts!! You make me laugh & smile!! :)

Nichole said...

the more you punish the rich, the more they'll make loopholes to hide their money in. i plan to hide all my money tax free as long as possible! great post~

Ben said...

Hey, my comment didn't make it past the rigorous Camilla screening process?

Camilla Millar said...

Sorry, Ben, I think I accidentally got rid of the comment-- I was distracted by kids and was clicking buttons and realized too late my folly. Please re-submit!