Saturday, January 17, 2009


This week I threw away 53 (that's right) wedding thank-you notes that I have been carrying around for 8 years. They were hand-written (not addressed, though) and I guess somehow they ended up in a drawer following our wedding. As time passed, I think I decided it was too late to send them, but still felt horrible that they were never sent . . .so, if you gave us a gift for our wedding, and never got a thank-you note, I AM SO SORRY AND THANK YOU!!


Stephanie said...

Camilla, that is hilarious. I still have 3 Christmas cards I haven't gotten around to mailing yet. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but 8 years? That's awesome!

Melissa said...

Oh, Camilla, I love it! You have awesome honesty!

Michelle Glauser said...

That's hilarious. Good work throwing them out.

Kerri said...

Camilla, I'm cut out of the same cloth. I did the same thing after my wedding. And I do it every year with thank you cards I find in my desk drawer from who knows when. Yikes.

Kearl said...

That's awesome! I love that not only have you had them for 8 years, which is an achievement all and of itself, but that you had 53 of them. So funny.

Nichole said...

It was about the 2 year mark that I chucked the thank you notes. I'm with ya~

Becky said...

Good for you! It was time to let go.

Timani said...

What a lifted burden. I need to follow your example.