Thursday, August 20, 2009


Isn't it great when you have brought your baby in bed for a quick snuggle/feed in the morning before everyone else wakes up? As you are staring down at his baby-cuteness, you feel fuzzy and warm about how great life is.

Shortly thereafter, your toddler runs upstairs and announces, "I hungwy." You get out of bed and realize that warm fuzzy feeling wasn't actually love, but your baby's diaper has leaked and you are now covered in warm pee-pee. Ahhh, life really is great.


Kelli said...

Ha! Those are the things you'll look back and miss!

Mary said...

Camilla-you make me laugh. I love it. Although I'm sure that you're not loving it so much...

Lizzy said...

At least it was the yellow stuff and not the brown, right? I love it.

Kearl said...

Chuckle, chuckle. I disagree with Kelli, I don't think I'll ever miss spit up, pee, poop, and snot all over me constantly.

Stephanie said...

This is the post-partum stage where love and bodily functions are almost synonymous. It's all a blur.

Heather said...

oh how i have missed you... loved that post. it is so true.
looooove the fun pictures of the fourth+ baby blessing+ yellowstone.
you look so great!

Molly said...

Ha ha! That is SO funny:) What a GREAT start to a day!

Mindy Burns said...

I ALWAYS love your stories and frankness! Thanks for a laugh at your expense....

Loralee and the gang... said...

Well, it was nice while it lasted, wasn't it!?