Saturday, August 22, 2009

Think you pay too much for a doctor's visit?

I just opened the mail. It it was a bill from University Health Care, our health insurance carriers and D's employer. I thought the bill would be for Reed's pediatric care. Nope. It was a bill for services provided for D, BY Dr. Millar.

Yes, that is right. D just got charged for removing his OWN suspicious mole in melanoma clinic a few weeks ago. He was at clinic and had a mole on his stomach that has been bothering him for awhile. So, when there was a lull at the clinic during lunch, he found an empty room, removed his shirt, and covered his stomach in a blue gown with a peeping hole to show the mole. He then administered his own anesthetic and performed a punch biopsy on himself. He had one of the nurses film this whole escapade on his phone. His attending made him write up a history and physical to 'follow the rules.' The officed staff all came to watch Dr. Millar perform surgery on himself.

D thought he was hilarious. Now, I am not laughing. What ever happened to professional courtesy?


Sarah said...

When I saw the title, I thought this was going to be a post on health care reform.

Glad to see it was this funny post. Well, kinda funny. Not funny that you have to pay of course.

Loralee and the gang... said...

Are you kidding? Are you going to contest the bill? Seeing as it is obviously part of his medical training, that you are ALREADY paying for?

Linsay Mabey said...

Dave and I can not believe you got charged for this. I wish professional courtesy still existed. Especially for work you do on yourself. To bad residents are salary and D didn't get to pay himself.

Kerri said...

So totally awesome.

Liz said...