Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's go time

I am potty training Roger today. I hate potty training. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Being. People sometimes ask my advice on potty training (Sarah and others). But, with a humble and discouraging nod, I must tell them, "I am not good at potty training."

My first attempt with the twins was an utter failure which resulted in a flood of the basement (one child had an accident while I was helping the other. I thought it would be a good idea to have that child clean up the peepee with a paper towel. I then thoughtlessly threw the load of pee-towels into the toilet and flushed. 3 hours later I walked downstairs and was greeted with soggy carpets). Stupidity, yes. Success, no.

My second attempt at potty training was with Eliza. Though she successfully donned underwear, it was only because I cleaned up poopy panties every day for about 2 months. She was afraid to poop on the potty. I was too stubborn to "fail" for a second time and kept her in the underwear despite the accidents. I will also note here that for 2 years she 'dribbled' in her underwear daily. Success? You decide.

Davis was, admittedly, a quicker transition to underwear (a full 6 months after I had 'trained' Eliza). But the child STILL streaks his underwear from time to time. So, I don't even know that I can say my 6 year old son is fully trained. Success? You decide.

So it is with trepidation that approach this new child and his quest for 'big-boy-ness.' I don't have a great track record as you can see. I am baffled and amazed at people that train in one day. I've read the books. I've talked to MANY. I try their tricks. I make it a party. We bought candy and soda and juice all especially for the occasion. There are cars ready to be bestowed upon the first day of dryness. People ask me why I am potty training him at only age 2 1/2. Well, I've had the little training potty in the bathroom for 5 months and he has successfully done #1 and #2 during that time. Sometimes, he tells me when he has to poop. So, I thought he was ready. I wasn't going to keep him in diapers for my own good--plus, they are so EXPENSIVE. I'm just doing it because the time feels right. Fortunately, I don't believe anymore that potty training success or age at potty training is an indication of brains- thank you, Davis and Eliza for doing well in school despite your hundreds of accidents.

Stats for today: Three capri suns and a glass of milk consumed. Four pairs of underwear 'soiled'- one with #2 (sorry, Lightning McQueen that you were deficated upon). Two pees on the carpet-quickly cleaned up. Six successful pees and one successful poo. Roger is napping right now. I am nervous. I covered the bed in waterproof material. I have been pacing outside his door to catch him the moment he awakes so I can wisk him to the pot.

I hate this. And I am sure you probably didn't enjoy reading the last paragraph except maybe those of you about to embark or in the process of training.

The only thing I can say that is good about this process is this: at least my expectations are so low that I am not too discouraged yet. I am also accepting all prayers tonight on my (and his) behalf (please give me patience, please give me patience).


Lizzy said...

You are much braver than I am. I'm not even attempting potty training Ben until he is three. Why? Because I'm lazy. And he's terrified to poop in the potty. I secretly hope and pray that at three he'll just magically potty train himself. That'll happen...

Good luck with Roger. Let me know how it goes!

Mindy Burns said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one that STILL cannot say ALL my kids are potty trained 100%- I hate to admit that my oldest 7 year old still has to throw underwear away occasionally b/c I refuse to clean up her poopy streaks! And the twins, well, pull up's at night, and the occasional oops poop in the underwear as well......Uggggghhhhhhhh I have been doing this for a full YEAR with my boys!!!!!!!

All I can say is GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Patience is the most important ingredient THAT is for SURE!

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Bryan wants me to start potty training Lilian. I'm not ready. I'm telling him I have to at least get through the holidays. I'll then start thinking about it in January. :) Good luck with Roger!!

Liz said...

Don't pray for patience...when I do that, boy is my patience tried!!! I will pray for you though! Keep smiling!!!

Heather said...

i hate it too! Garrett is 2 & another year of waiting sounds fine to me!!! good luck. :)

xo xo

Linsay Mabey said...

I'll send my praters your way, but only since you used the term deficated. Good luck!

Timani said...

Oh Camilla, Camilla, Camilla, don't pray for patience!!! EVER! Know why? You'll get hit hard with things that'll wear you out and you'll get that glazed over "I don't care anymore" look. :)

After some bad experiences potty training the first 2 (as in I HATE HATE HATE it!!!!) I just wait until they're 3 to start. I've had some ready before and potty trained, but in my opinion if there are multiple accidents a day it isn't worth it to me.

At night, if Roger has an accident in his bed, throw a folded towel over it and let him go back to bed, no need to change bedding til the morning.

BTW, so NOT looking fwd to potty training twins. A friend asked me about it the other day and I hit her! That worry hadn't crossed my mind.