Friday, January 15, 2010

You know you are in trouble when. . . . .

. . . .the large pile of clean clothes in the laundry room baskets doesn't seem as large as usual, the drawers in your room are empty, and all the hampers in the house are spewing out their contents.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

That's kind of what things look like at my house today too. Guess what I'm going to be doing tonight???

ChristopheRobyn said...

ahh, the joys of motherhood! :) Love your new header by the way.

Stephanie said...

Umm, then I've been living "in trouble" for at least two or three years.

(Love your cute new header.)

Got your sweet message. Don't worry, try as you might, you're not controversial. Just educated, which does not frighten me.

Nichole said...


Elise said...

Just moved my pile to my bed. Not a good choice. It has completely over taken it. Guess I'm not going to sleep until it's done though...


p.s. Over here in Minnesota, we are COMPLETELY addicted to Mario Bro Wii too. Chris and I just finished the last level and are now collecting stars to open the bonus. SO nerdy, but it's a great wind-down activity {and sad to say free date!}.

Timani said...

Fab new header! Where did you find that?

Hmmm, piles of clean laundry...I wish. I have a whole mountain range of dirty laundry, can't hardly get in the door of the laundry room! Hampers are overflowing and my kids have all begun to just throw it from the bottom of the stairs to the laundry room floor. Did I mention there is a bathroom in there also? The boys aren't really using because it's so hard to get over the laundry. Tomorrow I've got to tackle it, the twins are out of all clothes except church clothes. (and Dan is coming home Friday). This is one of the things I panicked most about having twins...laundry for 8 kids. OY!

P.S. My kitchen resembles the laundry room.

Becky said...

The hamper in my bedroom typically looks like a giant ice cream cone with the clothes (ice cream) piling up twice as high as the actual hamper (the cone). My kids have even commented on it. My husband thinks it would be cool if it reached the ceiling. I should take a picture.