Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My two cents

Democratic leaders have generally run on the platform that the rich people in the U.S. ignore the poor, but today the democratic majority in Congress has proven otherwise. Maybe because Bush was doing the proposing to abandon current bans on offshore drilling, but I am totally shocked that our Congressman are not taking this $4.00/gallon gas prices seriously (maybe it is because they get so many perks at work they aren't feeling the pinch).

Come on Obama-- you say that offshore drilling wouldn't make a difference in the near future, but isn't the point that it would eventually make a difference-- not to mention, help put us in a more independent place as a nation. Are any alternative energy sources going to make a difference in the near future? (the answer is NO). I say drill for oil-- help Americans out in our nearer future while we explore new and innovative technologies. HOW HIGH DO GAS PRICES NEED TO SKYROCKET BEFORE THE DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY IN CONGRESS DECIDES WE NEED TO HELP OURSELVES? When will Democrats recognize the merits of a good idea--even if it is being admonished by Bush (their arch-nemesis)? It's called supply and demand. We drill for oil=more supply. More supply= lower prices. Some people argue that the oil would be on the global market so Americans wouldn't benefit. I say poo to that idea-- I took economics too!

I think most Americans would agree with me we are paying too much for gas-- and prices are only rising. This ban on offshore drilling may have had its place in the past, but the time is NOW to start reconsidering. This should not be a partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans across the nation are all suffering. Polls show that the majority of Americans support the idea of offshore drilling.

Sorry coral reefs, but I think there are enough of you living rocks on earth to sacrifice a few for our good (call me an earth hater, if you must. Though I guess drilling is more environmentally safe these days).


Anonymous said...

Excellent observation. You may want to look at my blog that has made a offshore drilling a rallying cry for McCain.

Kearl said...

Gas in Israel was $16 a gallon while we were there, so it could be worse. That isn't to say that something shouldn't be done. I agree that we need to do anything we can to make ourselves not so dependent on other countries.