Monday, June 9, 2008

Why doesn't the media report the good news in Iraq?

I liked this article on enough to post the link here.

Like it or not, we went into Iraq. As Americans I believe we have a responsibility to help fix the problems that were caused by our presence (though I also strongly believe that getting rid of an evil dictator, Saddam Hussein was ultimately in the best interests of the Iraqi people-- if not this generation, than generations to come). Some people think we should get out of there as soon as possible, but I truly believe that getting out before we helped to clean up country would have deliterious effects on the people there and eventually, Americans.

I don't know if it is America's place get rid of evil dictators, but I do believe America has a right to defend itself. If there was indeed an imminent threat to Americans posed by the regime of Saddam Hussein, we definitely had a right to contemplate a war. I know some people are concerned that we have totally ruined America's image in the sight of the world, especially in the middle east, by going to war, but terrorism and hatred toward America was around long before we stormed Iraq-- the 9/11 plans began in 1996--during the reign of Bill Clinton.

Regardless of your feelings about the war or our presence there, I believe the media has an obligation to let us know if the death toll is down. Every newscast should proclaim the fact that less soldiers and civilians were killed this year than last year.

People always get on Bush's case for never admitting his failures or his incoherent judgement, but fail to report when one of his decisions or policies like the surge has had a positive effect. I am not saying I agree with everything Bush has said or done, but I do believe that politicians and the press are letting their feelings about the war get in the way of reporting the facts (unless of course, the facts support their line of thinking).

When are politicians (and Americans in general--me too) going learn to let go of pride and work together for positive solutions-- if each side would just give a little, I think we'd be much closer to a solution than we are now!?!


Nichole said...

here here! I'll toast to that! great thoughts~

Melissa said...

The media is so far left now that I hardly watch CNN or MSNBC. The newspapers are even worse (Tribune-SLC). The media is afraid that Americans might actually support the war is they report positive stats about the surge or the death count. I can only watch FOX news these days because I feel as though I can get a balance. I'm a little worried about the upcoming elections because the media is totally in the tank for Obama and TV watchers are pretty persuasive.

By the way, although I love your kids, I love that you talk about OTHER things on your blog. Refreshing.