Saturday, June 21, 2008

Top 10 Signs I DON'T Rule the Roost

10) The bathroom counter top is littered with hair accessories--hundreds and hundreds of bows, barrettes, and scrunchies.

9) At any moment in time there is a stuffed animal playing melodies on the piano--or at least, he is positioned to.

8) The first section I hit at the library is the graphic novel section (and yes, 5 years ago I didn't know that graphic novel is just a fancy word for comic book).

7) I was going to exercise this morning, but was thwarted by the fort draped from the side of the treadmill.

6) Before bedtime, there is always a mad rush around the house trying to figure out where all the blankies have disappeared.

5) My purse has all the necessities: wallet, chapstick, and Hot Wheels cars.

4) There is something pesky which won't let go of my skirt--oh yeah, it's that darn toddler.

3) In the grocery store, I opt for the Mack Truck cart: you know, the one with two steering wheels in front, and the two kids who climb out, terrorize the isles, and whine really loudly for a treat.

2) My church bag is big enough for my scriptures, manuals, and 3 footballs-- instead of footballs, there are enough toys, books, and crayons, to fill up, oh, 10 minutes of quiet time during Sacrament Meeting.

1) While enjoying a nice night out with my husband we can't stop talking about the people we've left behind at home.


Timani said...


Heather said...

Have I told you that I think you are super duper cute!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a hard time. My parents keep the house entirely spotless because people in the Carribean are just like that.

Kearl said...

I hear you. You know your life is not your own anymore when you don't even know where your cute purses went to because you've been using a diaper bag for years instead.

Crystal said...

Too cute Camilla. :)