Wednesday, January 7, 2009

when residents don't go to sleep:

Yesterday as D read a patient note he had written (a note is the doctors assesment that goes in s patient's file), he realized he had made a funy blunder. He had been on call Friday night, didn't get any sleep and was busy all Saturday morning. At about 1:00 P.M. he finished his work, except that he had 8 patient notes to dictate (to dictate a note, there is a phone number he calls into and a transcriptionist uses the recording to generate a written file).

Later that day, D was telling me how difficult it was to dictate notes while running on no sleep in 32 hours. He said he fell asleep several times and had to rewind or start over. Little did he realize how out of it he really was because as he was reading a note on a newborn baby who had hydrocephalus and bowel issues, he realized he had left a funny line: "The patient says he loves his parents very much and wishes them a happy new year."

D totally doesn't remember saying that and called the transcription service to ask them if it really was right. They said they had rewound the tape several times to make sure that they got that particular line right--I'm sure they also had a few laughs at his expense.


Stephanie said...

that is hilarious. What a polite, sick little baby.

Lizzy said...

That is really funny. I laughed out loud to that one. Poor guy needed some sleep!

That reminds me of a radio clip that was being emailed around a few years ago. Some lady was reporting the news on the radio and at the end she said, "And in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Kristin and Brandon Park said...

YIKES!!!! I can totally understand. Brandon once was there. I surely DONT miss those days of last year.

Momnerd said...

I have a friend who is a transcriptionist and I think she would have been happy to have heard that one! I really do not know how doctors do what they do. Amazing!

Kerri said...

So funny. I think it shows that he's got a kind heart. That's never bad.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

And I thought I was running on low sleep... Poor guy. Won't you be happy when he is through with all of this!

Caroline said...

That made me laugh. You'll be glad you documented that.

Timani said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!

Glad he was dictating and not working on a patient.

Makes you wonder about the studies that have shown there hasn't been a decrease in medical mistakes since reducing their hours.

Melissa@thebblog said...

Very nice! At least his blunders were happy funny ones and not something embarrasing!