Monday, June 29, 2009

Funny Thought

My friend just pointed out to me that I have now birthed in every way possible:
  • C-section
  • VBAC in the hospital
  • home birth

If it wasn't for the recovery after, I think I'd say C-section was the way to go.


Timani said...

I hear you!!! (although I'm so thankful I never experienced home birth!)

I feared C-section, FEARED! Had I known now what I do now (first 4 natural-no epidural, 5&6 epidural, twins C-section...that was the easiest! Really, what was I worried about and that recovery wasn't terribly bad, I've had worse from other surgeries.

Liz said...

What??? You wouldn't want to got through the home birth with me again???? I'd be soooo much more calm! :) Happy one week birthday Reed!!!

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Boy sure do have stories to tell! :)

Kerri said...

Man, Camilla. That is hysterical. I'm dying to meet gorgeous Reed and see if I can take three kids off your hands for a couple of hours. I'll wait until Ben's not sick and give you a call. Take care.

Angela said...

SOOOO glad to see you blog again! I am so happy for you and that all went well. Reed is adorable, and I love his name. If you go private again, you have to invite me. I missed you!