Friday, June 12, 2009

Short edition of "Our Latest"

Davis: Harry Potter. He has watched the Prisoner of Azkaban and The Chamber of Secrets at least 20 times (I am NOT kidding). He carries around the portable DVD player and when things get slow around the house, I find him in some corner or bed in the house watching (he also watches the show with headphones on when the rest of the family has settled down for another movie). He's shown so much interest, I started reading the first book aloud to him at night (though he knows the plot line already and corrects me if there are any discrepancies between book and movie).

Eliza: Barbies and reading out loud to Roger. I am grateful someone in the house is bringing books to little Rogie. I feel like whenever I sit down to read to him he starts jumping on my huge belly and fidgeting in whatever lap I have left--I am not in the mood to tolerate this right now!

D: Work, work, work. At the hospital mostly, but the never-ending yard project we have embarked upon (post to follow--it is pretty awesome!).

Last week when D came home from the store he was thrilled to present the kids with "Superman Returns." He was so excited because it was only $9.99, and "The scene where Superman saves the airplane is AWESOME!" I will decline to comment on the expedience of this purchase.

Roger: Following a diaper change, I lifted Roger above my head. He quickly responded to the maneuver, "I, Hupah-man" (I, Superman).

This total cuteness about made D's movie purchase worth the $9.99.


The Neads said...

What a great memory for you guys and superman. We also have a superman memory. It's the first time we heard Keayen swear. again aiplane seen, superman flys by or something and Keayen says "what the he#$ was that?" After controlling our laughter, having a visit about words, then pushing play, not 2 minutes later in the movie, you guessed it same line in the movie this time, "what the HE@# was that." didn't help the situation i don't think.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Well, honestly "Superman Returns" was a pretty dang good movie. And when Superman saves the airplane? D is IS awesome! :)
We're totally doing Harry Potter right now too. I read all 7 books to the girls a few years ago. Now I've started reading them to Brandon even though he's seen all the movies so far. (The books are so much better, though, don't you think?) We are in book 5 right now and are hoping to get through book 6 before we go see the movie next month.

Liz said...

Thank you for loaning the treasured movie to us!!! We enjoyed it, and Jeff wants to watch it again! I'll let him do that while I read a book...I don't have time to watch movies twice in a row anymore! :) I hope this week, or however many days it takes, will go quickly for you!!! I'm serious about calling me in the middle of the night or day or whatever you need!