Monday, June 15, 2009

Prego Update

Just because I always get curious about pregancy updates for everyone else at the end:

-I am due in a WEEK, YEAH!

-Unfortunately, I've been feeling pretty good (I say unfortunately because I feel like that is a bad omen for delivering sooner than later).

-Roger was almost a week overdue, so I am expecting to go over (if I think this way, I won't be disappointed if I'm late)

-I really want to go into labor tonight because my mom is going on tour on Wednesday and D has tomorrow off (wishful thinking, eh?)

-I really hadn't progressed much (dilated to a one and 50% effaced at my Dr. appointment) last Thursday


Karlea said...

I'm glad you posted this for us curious types! I've been checking your blog lately to see how things are coming in this department. Getting closer. Do you have a name picked out?

Kristin and Brandon Park said...

thats exciting!!! Brandon and I will be in town in a few weeks so hopefully you will have had the baby by then and we can come visit :) We will be in SLC July 11th-15th ish.