Thursday, December 3, 2009


Can't get this out of my head: I was switching channels for Roger today (he loves Super Why!- I love it because I can take my shower), and came across this unbelievable exchange on MSNBC.

The commentators were discussing Tiger Woods and his infidelity. One man had this to say (paraphrased since I didn't record it or anything): The problem (infidelity) isn't with unfaithful men, the problem is with society. Instead of condemning cheating, we should expect such behavior from the rich and famous. It is normal. It has happened since the dawn of time, men just get caught now because of voicemails, emails, and video recorders. President Kennedy was a raging philanderer as was FDR, this didn't at all impact their effectiveness as Presidents. We need to redifine marriage and look at it more like an adjustable rate mortgage. When you get married you should commit to a five or seven year term, if at the end of the term, you decide to extend the marriage that is fine. This man felt that asking a person to be faithful his entire life was ridiculous and unreal.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I am so mad at MSNBC for giving a stage to this man to spout such crap. I feel strongly that marriage is under attack- this just proves it. Marriage is more than a couple professing they love each other at one moment in time. Marriage is about commitment. Marriage is a divine institution that has been on earth since the beginning of man. Marriage should be the strongest vow and covenant that two people ever take on this earth. Marriage is about raising healthy children. This man's view of marriage was selfishness. Marriage is the opposite of selfishness- it is about selflessness.

For all the poopheads out there who are spewing this dirt, I would like them to know that there are couples who have aged many years in marriage. If you ask them if it was easy, they would say it was not. If you ask them if there were times they were tempted to stray, they would probably say there was. But they resisted these feelings and worked very hard to keep their marriage strong. They know far better than anyone who gave in to temptation how hard it is to resist. THEY RESISTED TO THE BITTER END. They are the strong ones. They have strength of character. They didn't give in at the first moment of weakness. These are the people we should look up to.

Women, don't believe this garbage. If you do, don't get married. Don't let these wicked men taint your view of what marriage is. Men, don't believe this garbage. If you do, don't get married.

People in marriages, stay strong!! Fight against those urges. Fight, fight, fight! You can do it. Only Satan, the father of all lies, will try to tempt into believing it isn't worth the fight. Work for your marriage. It will be the hardest thing you ever do. Don't be selfish. Before you get married, make sure you are on the same page as your partner. Make a gameplan. Be honest with each other.

As for you dork on MSNBC with your good looks and loud mouth, someday this will be your undoing. You are looking for happiness. This won't bring you happiness. When all is said and done, people with these views will be sitting in nursing homes with no visitors, no family, and no one who loves them.


WOLF-PACK said...

AMEN!!! Doesn't it make you sick? It makes me wonder what challenges our kids are going to have to face when they are older.

Stephanie said...

Wow. And amen.

Talk about short-sighted, selfish, and utterly deceived. Man.

Sarah Palfreyman said...


Kerri said...

Wow. That's amazing, Camilla. Our culture is crumbling in so many areas. I am so grateful for the LDS church's (and so many others, too) strong strong stance on chastity before marriage and complete fidelity after, with a hard road of repentance to help in case someone makes a really bad choice. It is not an easy road, but it is so so worth it.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Wow. That is really scary and utterly sad. Your comments were right on the mark!!

Melissa@thebblog said...

Melissa "liked this" picture a (thumbs up)

Timani said...

Go Camilla!