Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Manly Leotard?

Yesterday Davis's competition uniform came in. . . .the feature: a leotard. Davis was excited to try on his uniform until I called it a leo. Then he looked at me funny and questioned, "Mom, is it a leotard? Because boys don't wear leotards. Leotards are for girls."

I then did some backpedalling on my previous statement and amended my comment that it certainly was not a leotard because it had shorts attached. Whew! Disaster averted. After a quick search today, I discovered a lycra suit with shorts attached is actually called a 'biketard.' Hmmm, I'm not sure which is worse, leotard or biketard? I think I will be referring to it as his uniform from now on.

I would also like to add that he wears shorts OVER the bike/leotard, so all packages are safetly hidden. . . .just in case you were worried.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Yeah...we recently got Brandon's uniform too. But somehow he doesn't mind that they call it a leo. Go figure.

Mindy Burns said...

You crack me up- thank you for a good laugh! Post some pics of Davis in his "uniform" please.....He is such a cutie!

JoAnna said...

Once again, I am laughing out loud and my kids are wondering what is so funny! A biketard!!??! That is too good.

Heather said...

laughing so hard!! love it! :) you have such a great personality

Jamie said...

That's funny. Thanks for a good laugh!
Oh and totally agree with you ont he tomato paste! I always have to use more than one!

Kearl said...

I'm dying. SO funny.