Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear Face,

It has been many long years since I've seen your reflection in the mirror.  Although, I will always think your nose is too wide, you have served me well. I must, however, take issue with you.  In case you didn't get the memo, I turned 31 last month.  It has been over a decade since I could be considered a teenager.  Why, then, must you cling to the bad habit of getting blemishes???  Today, a gigantic zit appeared on your forehead.  Enough is enough!!  I have four children.  I do not have time to wash with Clean and Clear 10 times a day-- I am required to do 10 loads of laundry and dishes instead.  If I wore a green mud-mask, those children would scream and go running. . . .I must therefore petition you to grow up already.  Clean up already.  I don't have time to deal with these juvenile issues.


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

If it makes you feel any better...I am 36 years old and have a big zit on my chin right now. It annoys me too. If I am old enough to get gray hair then I should not have to deal with zits anymore!!!

Heather said...

i have one on my nose right now.... i hear ya my friend!!! :)

Kathryn-nannygoat said...

HAHA! I had this conversation with a friend the other day (she is in her mid-30s and I'm 31) we both are still using acne wash... HELLO?!
If you would have told me when I was 14 that I would still be struggling with pimples in my 30s I would have NEVER believed it!!
I'm with you, I have ENOUGH on my plate... no time for pimples!!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog from Lives of Doctors Wives. I LOVE it...and can not imagine having 4 kids with a hubby that is almost never home. You must be very, very patient. Happy Easter

Angela said...

My mom always said it's not fair to worry about zits and wrinkles in the same day. I so totally agree.

WOLF-PACK said...

You are way too cute Camilla!!