Thursday, August 28, 2008


Couldn't sleep last night so I caught a rerun of the Democratic National Convention. I am so sick of hearing politicians harp on each other. "I was right," "No I was right," "This administration. . . . blah, blah, blah."

I don't like to spend time with people who are constantly dwelling on the negative, so why would I ever want to vote for someone whose platform is riddled with comments about how terrible someone else is? Combine all this name calling with a bunch of puffed-up politicians patting themselves on the back and you have a recipe for me to change the channel.

For instance, I rolled my eyes when I heard this from Senator Biden: "For the last seven years the administration has failed to face the biggest, the biggest forces shaping this century: the emergence of Russia, China,India as great powers, the spread of lethal weapons, the shortage of the secure supplies of energy, food and water¸ the challenge of climate change, and the resurgence of fundamentalism."

Seriously, am I supposed to believe that Senator Biden has been thinking and planning to fix all these problems during the last seven years? He may not be a member of the current Executive branch, but as a US Senator, we haven't seen him come out strongly either (yes, the legislative branch has a 9% approval rating--even less than Bush and his old cronies). Few people were talking about Iran as a threat 5 years ago-- let alone Russia (remember, John Kerry was STUCK on the topic of Iraq and terrible place we had made it). Yes, perhaps the spread of lethal weapons has occurred in the last 7 years-- wasn't that the point about the war in Iraq (you know, to STOP the spread and use of lethal weapons (yes, yes, I know no WMD's were found, but please don't start on the war and what a mistake it was-- let's try dwelling on something that can be changed))? Yes, we are experiencing a shortage of supplies of energy--take oil, for example (last time I checked Bush got rid of the ban on offshore drilling-- don't tell me he hasn't addressed the issue whatsoever). And what in the world does the "resurgence of fundamentalism" mean? Tell me and we can decide if it is one of the biggest forces shaping our country!

How about a politician that sees a problem and instead of calling the other guy names, simply states the problem (quickly and without blame) and then provides a SOLUTION to the problem. How about a politician who is for REAL solutions-- not enigmatic promises for a better future? Give me some public SERVANTS that I can believe in.


Crystal said...

Amen Camilla, that's all I can say. I agree.

JoAnna said...

Amen sistah!

ChristopheRobyn said...

Camilla--I couldn't agree with you more! I think that most of us feel this way about politicians right now. --Robyn

Nichole said...

i absolutely do not get these guys? do they seriously believe all the crap they're slingin' or are they REALLY good actors? what the?????

Anonymous said...


All females in this country should be proud. You all will finally get the respect that my gender(males) have put in the trash can since we ever since the beginning of civilization.


Christie Gardiner said...

Camilla Hall! Hi! As far as this blog goes, I love that you are a political junkie like unto myself! What do you think of Sarah Palin?

Becky said...

Here's what I think is scary:

Obama and Biden
Osama bin Laden

Just too similar for me! (or maybe it's just a low blow!)

Momnerd said...

I was going to say Amen, Sistah! Then I noticed you've had that answer twice. Oh well, Amen, Sistah anyway!