Tuesday, December 16, 2008

frustrating times

It is so frustrating that Santa will bring me some beautiful new snow boots (I've been such a good girl, and that is all I am asking for), and it is snowing so hard today I really wish I had them already. . . . . . I feel like they are teasing me from the bag under my bed or something strange like that!


Melissa@thebblog said...

All my christmas presents are in my living room. I wonder if I'll have anything to open Christmas morning.

ps, such a great picture of the kids up there!!!

Rebecca said...

probably shouldn't mention that it's 80 degrees here today...

Dani said...

I feel the same way. I think Santa is going to bring me a warm and really cute jacket...and I bet he hung it in my closet for me to be teased by, the dirty bugger !

Caroline said...

Your kids are beautiful!

Lori said...

Hey Camilla! I got your Christmas card today and noticed you have a blog! It's hilarious by the way.

Mike and I always shop (for ourselves) for Christmas in October. It's a great tradition.

Tell "Elder Millar" hi for me:)

Shauna said...

I am spoiled and always open those presents early :) ♥ Hugs!

Heather said...

you are too funny! i need some too.. it it snowin here today as well!

Stephanie said...

... that's because they ARE! (lovely photo)

Becky said...

Just wear them!!

Kerri said...

I'm so wanting all my Christmas presents, too. Isn't it hard to know what's coming and have to wait SO LONG?

Can't wait to see your new boots.

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

How about you pull them out to wear them today...then re-wrap them and put them under the tree. No one will know, right? :)

Momma H. said...

I'm wearing my Christmas already -- Woolley Mammoth Crocs -- so nice
Mike is wearing his Christmas boots already too!
Go ahead - you can always set them out on Christmas morning...just a little worn.

Aunt Beth

Jandee said...

I hope you wait. Dusty always says it's a good opportunity to teach the kids that in life sometime you have to wait for things. --actually our country needs this lesson.