Friday, December 19, 2008

Little Britches

I just finished this book called Little Britches (Ralph Moody), and I loved, loved, loved it! It was written by a man whose family settled the frontier during the early 1900's, but it is written from the perspective of the 8-year-old boy, Ralph. I just picked it up from my mom's house and it is a quick read, probably written for about a fifth or sixth grader. I love stories written from a young boy's perspective because even the difficult experiences are written in such a matter-of-fact manner (not sentimental) that it doesn't feel like you are being coersed into feeling a certain way about the incident at hand.

Anyway, the story focuses on Ralph's new experiences as a farmer--getting to know his Dad through hard work, learning to ride horses, getting into fights in the one-room schoolyard, dealing with natural disasters and animal disasters, and learning to become a man. As I read about this family's life, I can feel the joy of living simply, and of cherishing the things that matter most.

Ralph shares several Christmas memories, but has this to say of his experiences, "It seemed as though our best Christmases were the ones when we were the poorest." I can't help but wonder if living in relative ease makes it easy to forget that your biggest blessings and most important gifts-- your family and friends-- are ones that can't be purchased in a store . . . . so for all of you out there still reading this very sentimental post (unlike the book which is not cheesy at all)--I am so grateful for you all and the blessings you've been to me and my little family!


Jandee said...

I'm always looking for a great read. Thanks for the suggestion. Hope you and D have a Merry Christmas! Dusty

The Cherry Family said...

Camilla, super cute picture at the top of the blog. Your kids are adorable. And we haven't moved from Ann Arbor. We'll hopefully be moving this summer to Tucson. We just decided this morning we're for sure going there. So now we just have to nail down the timing. Hope you guys are having a good Christmas!

JoAnna said...

I'm on it! Thanks a million!

Crystal said...

Thanks for the book suggestion Camilla. If you enjoy reading a lot, you should check out the site (and join and be my friend on there!) Here, check out this link if you's my favorite place on the internet.