Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A comment about 10 years too early. . . .

Davis was invited to a birthday party last week--ONLY Davis was invited. It was a boy party (yes, the day was bound to come). We tried to explain to Eliza that she and Davis are different and will have different friends and different functions in their life (we've had this conversation before), but she still was moping around the house trying to come up with reasons she should be able to go.

Finally, an hour before the party she announced, "Mom, I should go because I really like boys." Good thing Dad wasn't around to hear that one.


Unknown said...

Davis only invited himself?! I'm confused...

Prairie said...

That's hilarious! Ya even if they weren't twins they would still go throuh that! My kids always whine when the other gets to something without the other! We're working on that one!