Monday, April 14, 2008

my one child day

Last night, my mom took Davis, Eliza, and their cousin, Callie for a "birthday sleepover at Grandma's." All three kids turned 5 recently.

This morning I woke up to Roger playing in his crib-- not Davis yelling at Eliza, not Eliza jumping on me in bed, ahhhhhh. I fed the little guy, put my shoes and exercise clothes on, and headed outside for a nice looooong walk. It was beautiful. The birds were singing. The sun was shining. Roger was grunting at cars. I couldn't believe I was out of the house at 7:40. On a regular morning if I wanted to go walking I would have fought with the kids to "pleeeeeaaaaase hurry and get your clothes on", fumbled around the house looking for a lost shoe for 10 minutes, had a fight over whether or not the kids had to wear their helmets, and finally made it out the door at 8:30 at the earliest.

On my walk I stopped to talk to some friends that were out as well-- without complaints from a 5 year old that I was taking too long. I stopped at the park and pushed Roger on the swing. We looked at the clouds. Then we headed around Sugarhouse park-- I wouldn't have attempted this with the twins because they would have complained the whole way.

When we got home at 9:50, we both took a shower. Then Roger was acting ornery so I put him down for a nap. On a regular day this would have been mostly impossible because I would probably have been running the kids to one activity or another. Then, I thought, "I'm going to lay down too." I got on my bed--not because I was tired, just because I could. After reading for a while, I fell asleep. Hah, I took a nap at 11:00 AM!

Roger is still asleep and I am straitening things up. When he wakes up, we will head to the grocery store-- without any begging for a treat or soda.

Ahhhhh, what a day. I am happy. . . . . .if only I didn't miss those doggone twins so much I would just leave them at Grandma's forever.


missliss5/Melissa said...

Oh my word! I read your entry and just sighed....I imagined the calm wake up time. I imagined the ease of taking just the baby on a walk. And lying down for a nap? What's that? It was like there were birds singing in the background of my mind, haha! I'm so HAPPY for you that you could make full use out of your one child day. Yay!!!

Thanks for your comments on my blog. It's been waaaay too long since I've visited yours, too!

Thanks for the compliments on my hair. The "hair experience" was just as awesome as I'd been hoping.

missliss5/Melissa said...

Holy smokes, I typed up a big fat reply and then typed the word verification wrong and clicked somewhere else and lost it.

In short-----I read your post about your one child morning and I was TOTALLY enjoying it right along with every word. HEAVEN! Not that you'd give up your cute twins, but having time without so much juggling going on is a necessity. I love it that you even got to lie down for a nap. I don't even remember what a nap is anymore! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your compliments on my hair!

Heather said...

I'm soooo jealous! I guess I got a weekend to myself as well... my brother in law is getting married so, I went to Utah for the weekend with just my baby! My mother-in-law works for southwest & one of the tickets was going to expire so I got to go to the family shower~
It was so relaxing! I know how you felt b/c it was so nice w/out my kids this weekend!!! I missed them so much but, what a nice break!
You forget what 1 child is like.. a piece of cake!!!!! :)
I'm glad you had a great day with a little bit of a break! We all need those kind of days!!!

P.S. I wish I lived by you so you would drag my behind out of bed to go walking with you!!!!! :)

Timani said...

I totally have "grandma envy", I wish my kids could go somewhere overnight at random times and I would get a peaceful day.

Yay to you, that's very exciting and refreshing. I bet when you get the twin back you'll be a little better mom for the day. ;)

Kelsey said...

Oh the days! Isn't it amazing how just having one child seems like such a piece of cake! I remember the days. Now when Sam is gone, I still have the two trouble makers. I really should have had the twins first like you! :) By the way, Eliza's back hip circle was awesome! She has really great form. I think she is a natural!

Becky said...

Oh Camilla, you're getting a taste of what it would have been like to start out motherhood the "normal" say with just one child, like most of the rest of us! It sounds like you had a heavenly morning. Maybe Grandma will do the sleepover thing quarterly!

Prairie said...

What a glorious experience for day to see what life with one baby could be like! You deserved it!

Momnerd said...

Wow, guess I haven't popped over here in a while! Or you're just way better at writing. I am so jealous of the day you just described! A time and a season right? I wanted to let you know we have a new blog address so you'll need to change the link. Sorry it's a pain. You're virtual friend, Sharla