Tuesday, April 22, 2008

my $23 pencil

I think most women have their makeup musts. For some it is lipstick, others foundation, others mascara. I have an eyeliner thing. If I don't put it on, my "look" is not complete (not that I don't have makeup-free days when I am in a hurry, but generally eyeliner is one of the few things I don't scrimp on).

Today I looked at my centimeter-sized Lancome eyeliner and started thinking about when I purchased it. I had a big Lancome splurge shortly after the twins were born on an 'ugly, fat, bad hair, recovering from pregnancy' day. That was 5 years ago. During the last 5 years I have tried many different liners-- Mary Kay, drugstore, and I even was suckered into a purchase by a neighbor Avon lady.

There are basically two types of eyelining pencils: the old-school pencil (required sharpening) and the twist-up pencil. My biggest complaint with those twisty eyeliners is that they run out in like 2 months--there is very little makeup in the very convenient tube. My biggest poo-poo about the sharpening-required kind is they generally go blunt on the day I am in a hurry and can't find the sharpener in the deepest corner of my makeup drawer. Despite this, I finally decided I would sacrifice a blunt end every now and then for the alternative of running OUT of eyeliner every few months.

It was after I made this decision and experimented with ,different drugstore brands, I realized all other liners, EXCEPT my old trusty Lancome got dry really quick. Nothing feels worse than trying to force a dried out eyeliner into position on my sensitive eye lid. So despite its age and diminishing pencil-like status, I always reverted back to Old Faithful.

I decided to nip my diminishing liner problem in the bud and went to the mall for a new Lancome eyeliner. I was shocked to discover this tiny little pencil cost $23 bucks. I hesitated for a moment, but finally resolved it was worth the next 5 years of eyelining bliss. The $4.50 for a new sharpener was an unjustified splurge-- but it felt good to practice spending D's hard-earned money.


Heather said...

I LOOOVE lipstick & gloss. Those are my faves!! Don't you love to spend their hard earn money!!! ;)

Becky said...

Totally worth it! Just don't lose it!

JoAnna said...

Love it!! That last line is classic! I say practice makes perfect!
I'm the same with you, btw. I have to splurge on my make-up, esp eyeliner.

Crystal said...

Camilla! It was so good to see you at Maren's shower. I tried to recall a time I have seen you since high school, and I honestly couldn't come up with anything.

You look so good and are so cute, as usual. Thanks for giving me your blog address. Your family is adorable and I've enjoyed reading some of your entries here. It's always great to reconnect with friends who have become lost over the years! I look forward to reading here and staying in touch more. :)

Prairie said...

You go girl!!!! My "must have beauty item" is also expensive, the "dramatically different moisturizer" from Clinique. Larry and I refer to it as the liquid gold. But you're right, after experimenting with everything else, there is no substitute for a good thing. You've inspired me to maybe one day expand my "splurge item necessities" to include really good eyeliners. So far I must not know what I'm missing, but after reading your blog I think it must fit into the "dried out and dull" category! ( :