Tuesday, April 8, 2008

weekend adventures

We spent an awesome weekend reaping the benefits of having friends who are one rung "up" on the social totem pole. Our friends, Bonnie and Jaren, invited us to spend the weekend at a family's cabin located near Bear Lake in northern Utah. The cabin sleeps 24 comfortably--the kids had their own bunk beds (a first for them--they loved it). We relaxed and listened to LDS General Conference. The kids and dads went 4-wheeling, sledding, tunnel building, and digging (admittedly I don't understand the purpose of digging, but I guess it is fun).

There was only one catch--the water at the cabin was out. Apparently there had been a leak in the main line downstream of the cabin so they had shut off the whole system. Bonnie's sister-in-law had negotiated a truce with the gas station down the way and was permitted access to their hose. So the boys took turns filling up big jugs of water to bring to the cabin. For those of you that are unaware-- you can flush a toilet with no water in the system, but it requires filling the tank above the bowl manually. Because of this hastle, we implemented the rule (this brought back memories from Ghana) : "yellow can mellow, if it's brown flush it down." Because I have a phobia of urine smell, this was unpleasant, though bearable as long as I breathed through my mouth when using that room.

While the boys went out to play with the kids, Bonnie and I had "baby-duty" at the house. It occurred to me that although it was nice to be free of the twins, following Roger around the cabin and making sure he didn't knock stuff over, put smudge marks on the fireplace (impossible--smudge marks had to slide with a promise of a Windex wipe-down later), or otherwise entertain a 13-month-old gets really old. I appreciate D taking the kids out to play, but must admit the task of cleaning the house--even a cabin that is much nicer than my own house-- especially without running water, was NOT a vacation. I guess that is how the lot lies with mom-- always on baby and clean-up duty. It is not that I really wanted to go digging with the kids, but somehow the weekend away seemed less of a "vacation" to me than to the rest of the family.

I enjoyed playing games with friends after the kids were in bed, but my favorite part of the trip was sitting on the bed, doing NOTHING except watching "True Hollywood Story: Posch and Becks" while feeding the baby boys. Bonnie and I had a good laugh-- we used to get so frustrated with our first kids when we just 'couldn't get anything done' because they took so long to feed. NOW, we are like, "YES, I am watching TV and doing nothing!"


Momnerd said...

Isn't it funny those things that we take so much for granted? You're in this amazing place and yet it's still not really relaxing without water. I didn't know you had a baby as well as the twins. How old? I also noticed that you took your last name out of your blog. I've been wondering if I should do that on mine. Had you heard anything? Anyway, I'd be glad to have you put a link to my blog on yours. I hope you don't mind that I already put yours on mine. I'm pretty new to this blog thing and guess I don't know the ins and outs yet. Let me know if you want me to remove it, it's no problem. Thanks! Sharla

Prairie said...

Great post! I love your narrations! Say hi to Bon-Bon for me! What a life!