Friday, April 11, 2008

The Twins' Week of Glory

(Shown in their soccer uniforms last Saturday)

I am finally getting a chance to sit at the computer and reflect on the week. This one has been a doozy. Fortunately, D had the week off--hurrah--or I think I'd be even more tired than I feel right now. To start the week off, I was in charge of preschool for 6 very energetic young kids. We've been talking about fish, manatees, and the ocean. I am always amazed that planning 2 hours worth of activities for this group can be so draining. Nevertheless, I remind myself often that I am saving lots of $$$$$$ by doing this co-op.

On Tuesday, Eliza came home and had a big announcement: she did her first cast-off, back-hip circle!! For those of you that don't know what that means (as I didn't one year ago), she used momentum to flip herself around the bar without falling off!! Fantastically, D was there to capture the moment on the camera. She was sooooo excited and jumped around the house all evening. Davis kept saying, "You did a really good job, Eliza." What a generous guy. I am so glad he is not a comparer. This video was taken by D after her coach stepped away.

Wednesday was busy with playdates and last minute trips to the store in preparation for the big day: Davis and Eliza's birthday #5. The twins decided they wanted a goldfish like one of the girls we'd read about in a story at preschool. I carted the family to Petsmart and the kids picked out a tank, rocks, and some little decorations for the tank (any other mom's out there have a really hard time letting their kids pick trash? Eliza wanted the flourescent mulitcolored rocks, Davis wanted a skull statue for the tank, and Eliza wanted a pink shoe statue-- I gave in and had to remind myself that it was THEIR birthday present from Doc and Grandma). We got 2 goldfish and a Plecostamus fish (sucker fish that helps eat fungus on the tank). The fish were dubbed Katie, David, and Rocketspeed. Going to the store in the evening was a mistake because we had to set up the tank, acclimate the fish, and watch them for awhile. The kids were still talking in their room at 9:30 PM. Bedtime is usually 8:00.

Thursday's Birthday festivities included: present-opening (I told the kids if they didn't have a friend party they could have 5 presents, but just 2 if they did-- they took the bait, yes), breakfast at IHOP for some "Who-cakes," preschool followed by pizza and cake with friends afterward (not a party, just lunch), afternoon scooter ride on the new scooters, movie-night with mom, and bed. Our biggest disappointment was discovering that BOTH the camera and camcorder were out of batteries-- so pictures of the day are limited.

Today we had doctor appointments for the twins. They were stellar-- so respectful and attentive and cute--or at least Dr. Norlin made us feel like they were the coolest 5 year-olds ever (I bet he makes all the parents feel that way, though). It sure helps with behavior when the kids know they already got their shots last year! During the visit we decided maybe it was time to do a bone-age on the kids and make sure we don't need to pursue growth hormone therapy. We'll get news on that next week. The kids loved getting their x-rays. Dad pointed out the bones in their hands on the films, and he learned that kids don't have all the bones that an adult does. He thought that was pretty cool--I really wasn't affected.


Michele Davis said...

aww your kids are sooo cute! Wow Eliza is a very impressive little gymnast! I can't help but thinking back to my mom putting me in gymnastics, when I was like 3 or 4, but really the only thing I remember was the teacher trying to make me do a somersault on the balance beam and I was SO terrified! Needless to say I didn't stay at it very long, but that just makes me all the more impressed with Eliza!

thanks for your sweet comments! I love hearing from ya! :)

Michael n' Brooke Sanderson said...

Carson and and asked, "Whoa how does she do that?" Then he just kept saying, Eliza is great at that.

Ben said...

D wishes he was a radiologist!!

By the way, don't get too attached to the new fish in case they croak (as new ones often do). I'd name the first ones something less human, like flubsy and sickly-boy or something (goldfish are pretty hearty though, you should be ok).

The Jerman Family said...

Hey Millars, so exciting to have found your blog. It's really great to see what you guys are up to. Your kids are sure cute. Julia still remembers Eliza and how she introduced her to "real" make-up.
Great job on your blog.

Angela said...

Remember my post about our fish? Yeah, poor Max lasted a week. We are fish killers at our house. :( Also, Dan used to sell hgh, so if you have questions, he has many answers. I can't believe your kids are 5!!

missliss5/Melissa said...

Yay on the back hip circle! My 8 year old still needs just a little help before she can complete it all the way. She's a doll (your Eliza in the video)

Mark said...

I can't believe how much the twins have changed since we saw them last. Unbelievable how fast time flies. Feels like yesterday we were all living at Foxwood, now look at us with kids. Crazy!