Tuesday, October 13, 2009


While Davis and Eliza were working on their homework (arranging letters into their spelling words), Eliza started talking out loud to herself.

Davis scolded her, "Eliza, could you be quiet? You are interfering with my learning."


Heather said...

pretty cute kids you have. love the smile on reed!!

Christina said...

Ahhh. . . gotta love children! Your kiddos are so smart and darling! I hope you're feeling okay. I've been thinking about you all day.

Kelli said...

You have the most beautiful kids!!

Katie said...

Love the picture! Reed is getting so big! We need to have another cousin get-together soon.

Lizzy said...

I love that picture! Those eyes (on all the kids!). Your family is too cute.

Lori said...

Beautiful picture! I love it!

Kerri said...

Miss those kids!!!!

Nichole said...
