Thursday, April 3, 2008

from the dictionary on D's desk

beached whale \beech'd-wale'\, noun

The bowel movement left by small children on the far end of an oblong public toilet because their rear ends do not reach the middle of the opening.


Heather said...

thanks for the laugh! Any books on how to teach a 5 year old how to wipe her own bottom! :)

Timani said...

Beached whale in our house means an entirely different thing. When I was 9 months pregnant with first and wanting something from the kitchen I asked Dan to get if for me, because I was "perched on the couch". He quickly corrected, "you mean BEACHED!" Stupid guy, but I actually laughed hard.

Anonymous said...

VERY nice. Did he write this?

And by the by... When did you decide to publicly announce my nickname?! ^_^;

Niklas (aka "turkey lips")

Just to clear things up for those wondering (*cough* Parents *cough*) there's not really any reason behind the nickname. It'd be pretty bad if there was. XD

Camilla Millar said...

Heather, no ideas on wiping--it is a constant battle at our house. My only input is that I had to resign myself to streaked underwear for a while in order to let them figure it out on their own (also nightly wet wipes checks if it isn't a bath night).

Nik, the only one who does the writing around here is me. I would have NEVER come up with this on my own. This crude sort of originality is only from my husband.

Anonymous said...

Which is one of the many reasons why I like Andy. XD You get kudos for putting it in dictionary form, D gets kudos for the idea. A great team!

Nichole said...

had fun catching up with the Millars! say hello to the hubby Love Nichole

Mindy :) said...

What, no photos??

-Uncle Gordon

Timani said...

Tonight Dan read this post, with a weird smirk on his face he patted my arm, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I called you a piece of poop." (referring to our beached whale story)

Brook said...

Hey guys!! I've been waiting for another post to comment on...I guess this one will have to do. It def. gave me a great laugh, ah the joys (that's my new "trying hard to grin" through some of these toddler moments!)
So glad to be in touch. OK, so I secretly popped in a couple weeks ago after finding you on the Lindsays. However, blogging has been a non-priority for a few, and commenting was just too much for me. Ya know the times??? So happy to see you on RW blog. Did I mention how fantastic you look? Motherhood has treated very well.