Saturday, May 31, 2008

Before and after (the front yard, that is)

I think the front flower bed has something against me. When we moved in, the weeds were up to the window. This will be our fifth summer in the house. Every year I spend $$ money on the plants and half of them die by the end of summer--not just the annuals. Then I try to fix things in the spring. I guess this means that in 5 years when it is time to move, the bed will finally be passable? Clearly, I do not have a green thumb. Or is this normal? Does anyone else out there struggle with their plants, always wondering why all the neighbors' yards look pristene while yours has issues?

Yeah, I think this should be a required class in high school. . . .Landscaping and Such 101. The Landscaping portion of the class would include such important principles: a section on remembering to water the planters, fixing the sprinkler heads that break even when the lawn mower looks at them funny, and distinguishing different types of weeds and the best thing you can do to get rid of them (chemical disposal, of course, who wants to run around the yard picking at weeds?). Another important unit would be the one where you discuss that plants can be deceiving. Just because they look good while you're shopping around the nursery doesn't mean they'll look good in your yard, let alone live in it. Finally, the crowning section of the class would be a section on your lawn. It seems like keeping it green would be simple-- water. Alas, from my experience keeping the lawn green requires a vast knowledge of fertilizers of every variety, the importance of how low you cut the lawn (you know, as low as you can get without killing it), and aerating--who knew all those little poops on the lawn served an actual purpose?

I digress. So without further adieu this is my work on the front a few weeks ago-- like I said it is a work in progress.
(yes, I know you are thinking, "What is the difference?"-- I did spend $120 (some of it is in the other bed), but I promise, I did A LOT of planting)



Heather said...

It looks great!! I love planting new flowers.. your yard looks wonderful!! :)

JoAnna said...

It looks GORGEOUS! Isn't it so satisfying?!

Carrie said...

I think it looks beautiful, Camilla! Way to go. I especially like the planter. (That's all I really have experience with so far.) I'm excited to have my first "real" garden in a couple of weeks . . . that is, IF we survive the move!! :)