Saturday, May 3, 2008

Date Night

My husband was, miraculously, home on a Friday night, not post-call, and not working early Saturday morning. So we ventured to a late-night movie. I wanted to see a chick flick like Made of Honor (Patrick Dempsey), or even Baby Mama (it looked hilarious-but did have crude potential), but D wanted to see Iron Man. I lost the movie battle because he convinced me the critics ratings were really good (yes, I am one of those people who plans her movies around what the critics thought) and this movie was the kind you really benefited from on the big screen. I gave in because I figured I could rent the chick flicks later on an on-call night.

I must admit, he did good this time. I loved it. There were a few of those things that I dislike about comic book movies in general ("I am soooo sure they all get superpowers from radioactive goo!?!"), but in general, it was pretty believable. The special effects were awesome! The story was pretty plausible (minus those few things).

Do you take your kids? Sadly, no. The main character is a ladies man (this is proven by a 15 second scene--no parts or anything, but still, it is the bedroom and we are well aware of what is happening there). The main guy also gets kidnapped by terrorists who torture him-- and we see a lot of blood on their behalf.

So ladies, if your husband wants to see this one, give in this time (wink, wink), but make sure you let him know YOU get to choose next time.


missliss5/Melissa said...

Thanks for the movie review, when Dan gets back into town I'm going to have to make his day and agree to go see it with him. IF....the stars align and, like your hubby, he isn't working, on call, post call, moonlighting, etc. So glad you had a great time!

Unknown said...

I WAS going to go see that today. But no. I ended up renting "Catch Me If You Can" instead. It was ok. It had three of the above described bed scenes though...

Becky said...

That's what Jeromy said--that for a comic book movie, the story was pretty believable. He took my brother when we were in Vegas because I had NO desire to see it. Maybe someday.