Tuesday, May 20, 2008

if only. . .

Mom: "Twins, I need you to go clean up the toys and clothes that I put outside your room."

Davis: "Mom, that's your job, not mine."

Mom: "Excuse me? If they are your toys and clothes they are your responsibility."

Davis: "But I don't want to. . . . . .I wish we had a butler to do that."
(picture a little twinkle in his eye because he is pleased to have used a word with the root of "but")


missliss5/Melissa said...

Don't we all, don't we all....

Heather said...

Ditto! LOL :)

Megan said...

That's funny! Thanks for your post on the early reader books. I have found the same thing with the "early reader" books. They are way to advanced which in turn frustrates the early reader. So, thanks. My little guy has just started reading! It's so much fun!